Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Are you a good person?

Back from American Idol and now it is the new show Moment of Truth. Tried watching the first episode, sucks but I heard about this clip on the radio (Movin 99.7) and just saw part of it now. It always starts off with fun and giggles until you get to the big money. Those are the questions that unveil the tears and break relationships. But those are also the ones we want to hear. Not the "Did you ever cheat on a test?" weak sauce questions but the "Did you ever have sexual relations with mother while you were married?" type questions. They do have several celebrity appearances and stuff, but the show doesn't really get good until the last 15 minutes anyways. And even then, they take about 5 minutes to answer a "Yes" or "No" question.
Now this lady is pretty messed up. Basically ruined her relationship and all that, it came down to the final question, "Are you a good person?" Anyways here is the clip:


lifted said...

Send me the picture... now.

Frances Rose said...

Wow, I was logged into my other gmail :(