Thursday, March 27, 2008


So this is what Westlake security does all day.Yes, that's right, these two husky men are the security guards of the Westlake shopping center.
Requirements: hang out at the local GameStop and play NBA 2K8 on the public xbox 360. When there is a stabbing outside of Trader Joe's over a box of Vanilla Joe Joes, you know where to go to alert the regulators.

Later on the same day...
Chris picked up Val and Erik and came to my house. What an unexpected surprise! Didn't do much but sit around. Looked back at some middle school year books to compare faces. Read some yearbook signing and found this one mean one:"Enjoy your dull life" - Daryl Lee
Whaaaat.... messed up. I don't even remember knowing a "Daryl Lee"Does he look worthy enough to even touch my yearbook? NO!
And there is another comment under his. "sup horse crap" Guess who wrote this:another unworthy being... mr. malcolm chee

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Watch out for bikers!


Dave Crimmen played at lunch today for Westmoor's 50th birthday.hmmm... me and Lawrence liked him.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Who wants to join with me? Click
I guarantee fun when you run with me.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Hmmm... my birthday is May 9th. I need a new G shock. Mine is sooooo middle school. I hate my inferior year two zero zero zero technology.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Glenn COCO

So if you read my last post, I said watch Mean Girls, but you probably won't so I found just that one scene:

and some supporters from the Youtube: they are all like 4 seconds long
Thanks for supporting Glen Coco also spelled Glenn Coco


Anyone catch the Warriors beating the Lakers. Or at least the last 2 minutes, exciting.
Happy Easter guys! Time for my holiday MS Paint artwork:
Some Easter insight from the book of Matthew:

"there was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. his appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. the guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. the angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. he is not here: he has risen, just as he said."

I'll put up a slideshow on the toolbar thing in my blog full of my holiday MS Paint pictures tomorrow. Or a slideshow of all the pictures in my blog. Went to Bashful Bull for sunday school and ate instead of our normal sunday school schedule of learning. Yay.

So if you ask Christopher for a ride home, it really means you give yourself a ride home with his car. He was supposed to bring me home but instead, I had to pick up Val and drive myself home in his weird toyota! Cheapo.

Saturday update: Bible contest. Glen Coco two years running! I think we did Mike Chai proud. I didn't really do much but I contributed in the who has the messiest shirt game because I had to use my big hands to scoop out the junk out of the bowl onto the shirt. Disgusting, then Judy had to wear it. The prize: We also got balloons with our names on it, I'll edit this later to include the balloon. I left it in my dad's car actually. I hope he didn't throw it away. So what does Glen Coco mean? Watch Mean Girls.
Bonus: I found a pen in the pages of my bible at the end of the day.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Oh man... looking back at some pictures from las vegas, I found some transparent people. Spirit photo? Dude, after watching Shutter, man... weird. According to the movie, they are either in love with me, hate me a lot, both, or they are real and it has something to do with my camera or my unsteady hands.
Friday was Good Friday. Also saw Shutter that day. So freakin scary. I'm so paranoid now. Here are some pics and that shutter girl was in both! After that, I was an hour late for good friday service because some punks decided to sneak into the movie to take up the seats and stuff and made us wait like another hour for the next show... But then studied for Bible contest at Samuel's house. Went home using Lake Merced instead of Skyline because I was scared.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Reg's birthday today, went to the dinner bash at T.G.I. Friday's. So Jimmy ordered the sizzling chicken and shrimp and when the waiter called out Jack Daniel's chicken and shrimp, Jimmy's deaf ear, which is both, only heard the call of chicken and shrimp and the fool raises his hand. Upon the food's arrival, he studies it and realizes it is not what he ordered. But he ate it anyway after minutes of thinking what to do when the waiter comes with his food. Should he tell the truth, or save the embarrassment. Reminded me of a time at Fudruckers
Cashier: How do you want your burger cooked?
Jimmy: Ummm, regular?

Hmmmm... Status Quo on top? Kaba Modern out, Whaaaaaat?! Didn't get to see them dance because my father jammed the printer trying to print a step by step guide on how to jam a printer and I had to fix it. I heard they were good though, just the jabbawockeez were better.

Let the madness begin! Study those 65 teams and break out your brackets. Yes, that's right, March Madness starts today. Here is what I did this morning after I woke up:I was right about Beasley and the Wildcats beating the mighty 6 seed trojans.
I was wrong about 8 seed BYU beating the 9 seed Aggies and choosing the 11 seed Kentucky over the 6 seed Marquette
Luckily, none of my wrong predictions are in my chosen elite 8.
Champion: Texas
Why? I guess since the National Campionship game is in San Antonio, their home state of Texas, they will be eager to play for the championship at home and that will push the team to play their best to win. They will probably have the crowd on their side too and they will edge out Kansas.

Do It Yourself

3 on 3 tournament at lunch: lost by one point to these varsity punks... just another tournament to add to my growing list:
1. Connect Four
2. NBA Live 2001
3. 3 on 3 basketball
Watch out team number 16 on Friday!

Studied at Kevin and Vivian's house and had some quality time with a banana split and Winchell's patient (Yukani). She'll learn to walk again one day, don't give up Winchell. Got the Bible contest shirts early too.

Even though the Rookies won the Gauntlet III, they still suck. The Vets still out played them in the end. Big Easy should have came back in his stretcher and passed that finish line.
Rookies: 2
Veterans: 0

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Got it, opened it, took picturemy camera phone makes everything a little more yellow than normal. I'm thinking to do a Michael Scofield thing. Gonna be pretty hard though. If you don't know who Michael Scofield is, here is a picture:He is one of the main characters in the popular Fox tv show Prisonbreak. Real name: Wentworth Miller. Dude, check those tats out. The tattoos are the blueprints to the prison he is breaking out of. I have some sketches of the more significant tattoos like cute poison, the card phone number, the devil, grave, etc. as rough drafts before I draw on the munny. If you're a fan, then you know what I'm talking about. Other ideas: Ninja, Mr. Ferrari, Mummy, weird design. Can't really think of anything else. Anybody got ideas?


Yo readers. Basically, just got out of bed remembering I didn't post yesterday aka St. Patrick's Day. I was about to sleep, so so so dedicated... but you guys are equally dedicated by reading. So just read this like it was Monday, March 17 2008.
No usual MS Paint holiday masterpiece this time for St. Patty but I had this assignment for my Draw and Paint class to transform the Mona Lisa into something not normal. So in the spirit of St. Patrick, I made the senorita Lisa into a leprechaun. Also, Tony's official birthday today. (also John Wayne Gacy's (psychopathic serial killer) birthday) So let's see... what did we do on the pre birthday bash. hmmm, not go to fellowship, went to Red Robbin at some weird time of the day and went to Serra bowl to not go bowling. There is this pretty weird punch measuring game at serra bowl. My highest score was 844 out of 999. Best of the day! This fool tried to kick it and got a score of one. Pride:Jimmy also blogged about it here

Remember this leprechaun sighting about 2 years ago St. Patrick's Day?
Mobile, Alabama? gots some ghetto people and leprechauns I heard and saw

If you're not compelled to watch the video above, you gotta at least see the sketch of what they saw here: like how they sketch criminals, haand you thought I would sleep instead of blog...

Sunday, March 16, 2008


They strike again!I think they are from The Company or something. They such have very bad grammar is that. But some good news, Kidrobot sent my mini munny! Tomorrow, I will get it in the mail and I get to ruin it. Kidrobot held Mini Munny contests and here are some of those who entered:Or just click HERE for all the contestants
Mini Munny CAR SHOW

Saturday, March 15, 2008

King Dedede

More pics of WHS 08's Huf quake wannabe class sweatshirt:
Movie night today for Friday KC!!! Watched Enchanted and ate popcorn. Didn't get to finish though, 10 o'clock came too soon. Noooo... I have a new requirement to add for my future wife search: have to be able to call animals with song to clean the house. After KC, went to Sammy's house with Jon and Chris was already there and played about an hour and a half of Super Smash Bros. BRAWL! I won like once.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mini me

Imma cop one and blog about what I do with it.Here is a MEGA Munny with a creepy guy that sort of looks like a slightly fatter version of the dude from gym class heroes. He also looks desperate for a friend, so he goes to kidrobot. Kinda expensive.I'm only getting a MINI Munny for like 190 dollars less.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Let It Be

Walked to school today. Haven't done that ever. Not as cold as I thought it would be. Finally got to Alvin's house and went the rest of the way to school with him. Then saw Pauline walking too and went the rest of the way with her. Still in the adjusting mode, so I'm still super sleepy in class and right now as I am typing. Here are some pics I took when I was walking.
After sunrise:Random sprinkler: Also got our class sweaters today! Not too hot about the design, but its all good. As long as they didn't leave my name out.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad

Whew. Weekend was quick. New start to a new week in Daylight Savings Time. I have to change the clock on my wall and my clock in my Pokemon Blue version game. Update on the weekend.
(Important words in bold and CAPS)

FRIDAY KC was a SPECIAL this week. Yea, we have one every once in a while and I was IN CHARGE of the "GREATEST OBSTACLE COURSE EVER!" So first, the NOODLE ENTRANCE:Go under the table
Go through the LOW QUALITY yarn SPIDER WEB without touching the yarn. Rest doesn't really matter... you run around a couple chairs, find a yellow ball in a bucket full of golf balls and you go back. GREAT huh.

Then Saturday came around. SENIOR led FELLOWSHIP! No leaders. Then, at the end of an epic fellowship, we were all just hanging out/playing cards/eating with the church door open and a dog walks in without an owner. Some JANKY looking DOG with a collar and scarf. So Judy and Katrina go buy a leash for it. Then when they come back, the owner comes back too. Planned? I would say so. That dude was probably hiding somewhere waiting.
Missed HIN and the San Mateo Expo, but went to RED ROBBIN wit the peeps and it was NEVIN'S BIRTHDAY again. Hmmm, SECOND BIRTHDAY in about seven months. Pretty good, so CHRIS EATS NEVIN'S ICE CREAM and we leave. Outside, CHRIS THROWS UP a little bit on his hand, yuck!

Sunday arrived, the day of the time switch. Do you remember what happened the last time we had an adjustment? Refresssshhh <-
Yea, this time, I was almost an HOUR LATE for church. Then after, LOST 4 straight games on NBA Live 2001 to Jimmy making my record 2-4. Got rid of some of my worst teams though, but my conference has the WORST TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE. Weak

Friday, March 7, 2008


OMG. I'm so bored in Ms. Stallard's class, so what do we do? Join connect four tournaments. Here is the bracket:Looks like I made it to the next round.
Here is what we play on.NBA Live 2001 tournament. Cool, here is the score board:its tied.

do do do do do

Term paper due today, just finished. I only needed one more page and I ran out of ink. First I only thought black, but then I needed to refill all colors of the pinter spectrum. Eventually I printed all my pages out. I've never had a teacher assign a maximum number of pages. Weird.
I've also never been required to do this to my essay.Chopped and screwed:kinda kool aktually
Something a bit more interesting, started that underground connect four tournament today. Got through the first round beating Jessica. Gotta get ready for my next match in about 7 hours. Post pics and the bracket tomorrow. Plus the NBA Live 2001 tournament tomorrow, or actually, later today.
Did anybody catch the previous template wit da eyez?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Two days late on this but some things went down like Tony throwing up some gang signs or counting down from three, or promoting peace, or playing charades, or playing rock, paper, scissors, or asking for scissors, or trying to climb a mountain. Haven't seen this person in a long time. hmmm... what was her name again, o yea! Thanks for the virus comment...John Dale locking his doors to go to Safeway.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Are you a good person?

Back from American Idol and now it is the new show Moment of Truth. Tried watching the first episode, sucks but I heard about this clip on the radio (Movin 99.7) and just saw part of it now. It always starts off with fun and giggles until you get to the big money. Those are the questions that unveil the tears and break relationships. But those are also the ones we want to hear. Not the "Did you ever cheat on a test?" weak sauce questions but the "Did you ever have sexual relations with mother while you were married?" type questions. They do have several celebrity appearances and stuff, but the show doesn't really get good until the last 15 minutes anyways. And even then, they take about 5 minutes to answer a "Yes" or "No" question.
Now this lady is pretty messed up. Basically ruined her relationship and all that, it came down to the final question, "Are you a good person?" Anyways here is the clip:


Hey Tony aka Birdman, did you see this article on Yahoo. This entry is probably only relevant to one person.
I also missed American Idol yesterday, and it's almost over today...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

B D Rookie

More relatives from Burma coming over and staying with me and my family. Went to the airport to pick them up earlier tonight. One aunt, two aunt, grandpa, grandma, and uncle.
The Grandma The GrandpaI call her aunt juju and also, the demon kid is back again for today. Remember him from Here?
I'll wait until 12 to post whatever else happened today so March 4 does not overload with three entries