So on Jun 23, San Jose State sent me an e-mail to tell me my housing assignment. I was assigned to a triple. Today, when I checked my inbox, I am now assigned to a double. Nice. So I now have a double at the price of a triple, which is cheaper. And now I got what I originally signed up for kind of. Now all they need to do is move me to a suite and I'm all good.
Here is the first message: f.y.i. click to enlarge because I know y'all don't got microscope eyes

The new one:

And then I start thinking about what to eat because I heard the food isn't very good at the DC. A meal plan was required so I'm sure my meal plan A will not satisfy me. But some SJSU Alumni and current students tell me about this burrito place called La Victoria and their orange sauce and how godly it is. But at orientation, my orientation leader said that another place called Iguanas is totally better. I quote that. So I yelped the two places.
La Vics first:

Literally across the street from campus.
Now to some reviews:
So this guy really likes the orange sauce. A little too dramatic? Maybe, or...

Annie A. really likes La Victoria. She is a self described Vampire. So vampires eat here? creepy

Now for some haters:
This guy really hates the orange sauce. Is this man nuts?! This guy would never get along with Thomas N. up there who loves the stuff

Now while other people sipped a little too much haterade and wrote a freakin novel about all the things they hate about La Vics, this guy kept it relatively short. Basically, they say the place is cramped, the meat sucks, and the sauce is overrated. Thanks William W. for making it easy on the eyes for the light readers.

Picture submitted:
Oh what?! They have a green sauce too? You can mix them to make a remarkable... Brown sauce?

Now on to Iguanas (like the reptile)

So not really across the street from SJSU but one block further is the rival tacqueria.
Man, Iguana fans are restless typers. These reviews are pretty long.
The Lovers:
An SJSU student discount you say...? Thanks for the tip. Also live music and open mic nights? That's cool. See you there Anjelica M.

A lot of Iguana fans also have a thing against La Victoria like they have been fighting over some kind of promised land of forever ripe tomatoes and cilantro or something. But yea, a couple reviews dis La Vics. Like this one

Man, a bunch of Lil Mamas eating at Iguanas and La Vics are the boogie bots
And what?!!?!??! They have an orange sauce too!??!!??!!??! They are starting to sound like the same place.
On to the HATERS:
There are some La Victoria faithfuls that counter all the Iguana fans' reviews. Stay strong Nancy L.

This review is kinda funny. She is a little ghettophobe. But yea, other people gave bad reviews because of some hoodlums hanging around the entrance of the restaurant and just loitering around inside and outside. Don't hate though, they just wanna hear the open mic, right?

Random Picture:
at least they are Yelp conscious. So they do care about the reviews. They better not show the one by Caro M. she would get jumped right in the restaurant, if she ever goes back again.

That is a lot to read, I know I know but here are the final results.
La Victoria draws first blood. It is right across the freakin street. Unless it is inside campus, you can't beat it.
Iguanas wins here with the live music, open mic, and bigger, cleaner area with more seats and shorter lines
Two in a row!
Iguanas again. They have a dollar menu with over 10 things on it!
Store Hours:
La Victoria is open as early as 7 am and closes as late as 12 in the morning. Iguanas is open at 11 but closes as late as 3 am. Iguanas is closed on Sunday. But how often will I wake up at 7 in the morning? And I do have a meal plan I cannot waste because it is very expensive so the closed Sundays lets me stick to my meal plan. I guess this ends in a
I've heard from a number of people about
La Vics and their orange sauce. I've only heard one person mention Iguanas. And almost 500 reviews on yelp for La Vics to an Iguanas restaurant that has less than 200.
Last but not least,
How's the food?I guess I have to give it up to
Iguanas. Reviewers for both restaurants both say that Iguanas has fresher ingredients. Both places have haters and lovers of their individual "orange" sauces.
The winner is...Bottom line, they sound like they serve the same thing food wise. But everything else seems to be ruled by Iguanas. Both restaurants have their own set of dedicated eaters and both restaurants seem to be overrun by drunk people coming back from partying after midnight but I'll take
La Victoria over Iguanas because it is right across the street and I really am that lazy. "But wait a second Horse, Iguanas won more of the categories." I know I know, but what really makes the difference is the popularity. The more yelp reviews give more justification to La Victorias 3.5 star review over Iguanas 4 star. There is a difference of almost 300 reviews. Plus, people I actually know recommend La Vics. So that category is equivalent to like 3 categories to me. Besides, even though the ingredients in the burrito aren't as fresh as its rival, I hear some of their orange sauce on top of it can turn the most rotten piece of meat taste like it is from heaven.
I know it is a lot to read. Yea yea, I'll make a blog entry as long as I want. I got a little crazy on the Snipping Tool today too with all the yelp reviews and stuff. Thanks for reading all this. If you did...