Thursday, July 31, 2008


Did boogie bots get bashed today or what... maybe it was their terrible performance that made fanny pack look that much better, earning them a standing ovation from the judges. The first of the season in fact.
Well, besides watching America's Best Dance Crew... and running photoshop on my stupid header, I made this:
Yea, pretty dumb. Took a while to make. But this makes the perfect pet for my Munny figure.The chain was waaayyy too heavy for the paper dog. So after about 10 minutes of frustration trying to stand the dog up with the chain leash, I just decided to make the munny hold it because I realized how much time I just wasted.
As you can see, I haven't done anything to my Munny since I got it besides draw on it with pencil. But I will do something artistic with it. Like maybe add some color.

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