Here is what it should feel like:
I feel sad that I won't see 90% of my friends ever again. Or at least until a long long time. That at the end of this summer, I will never go back up that hill to sit down in a desk and sleep. I'll miss those fire hazard hallways and everybody trying to fit through one door. One thing though, that I won't miss is being asked to do Napoleon Dynamite impressions. Probably because I'll be doing a lot more of them in the future, but they won't be by the same people. My legs will be sore on the first day of college due to the lack of stairs at Westmoor. The one floor school I've gotten used to will be very dear to me. So much can be said about this building but more can be said about the people I shared it with. As I'm listening to Graduation by Vitamin C, I recall all of my friends and the memories. But really, the lyrics say it all.
Whew, that was tough to make up and type. This is how it really feels like:
I feel like this is just a regular weekend and I'm ready to go back to school to talk about it. About the Kanye concert that came a second time around to San Jose and comparing it to the one before. I'm just going to go to school monday and sleep in first period. Go to second and watch a new movie for Film Lit. Make Mr. Ferrari go off track and not learn about economics in third period. Make more ugly artwork at fourth. Hang out in the auto shop during fifth period and fall asleep again in sixth. Nothing has changed. I feel like I'm going to see my friends forever. Like I'm stuck in High School and never leaving. There is no such thing as college for some reason.
That was a lot easier. I know I know, a lot to read. But here is a picture to ease your eyes.
I call it, We Power Blogger
That is basically it. Went to San Tung for dinner with my parents. I was held up at home because my relatives were visiting. So boring, I should have been at the after partay. ya know...
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