Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Time to Shine

Here is a basic guide to street cred. Examples are from white people that show us how to and not to get street cred. So hopefully after reading this, you can be one more step away from getting your very own ghetto pass.
Right - Mike Huckabee - just ask
Wrong - George Bush - don't hate

Right - Miri Ben Ari - it doesn't matter how or what instrument, as long as it is hip hop

Wrong - John Mayer - wrong type of music, I still like John Mayer though
Right - Banksy - Street ArtWrong - Mystical DolphinsSpeech
Right and Wrong - Ebonics Lesson

Right - The Professor - be good at a sport black people like

Wrong - Really tall European guy - don't get dunked on

Common Courtesy
Right - Howie Mandel - give away enough money for rent

Wrong - Howie Mandel - don't forget names

Right - Greet Properly

Right - Michael Scott - don't be racist, but don't do it the way Steve Carell does because it is even more messed up

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