Fun fun day on Saturday. It was also freakin hot! First, basketball practice in the hot morning. So, so hot. I can't emphasize the hotness of the day enough. Then, the main event of the day: Norm and Cindy's wedding where we ushered. I didn't bring my camera (do I ever), so no camera = no pictures But... Nevin brought his camera, always ready for these things. Nevin should have a blog of his own. So this picture is stolen from Nevin's facebook album thing class of 08So after the wedding ceremony, we had the banquet at the Empress of China. Yea yea! There was an appearance by the Jabbawockeez. Like the B-grade version. None the less, the banquet was where the partay was at. Did the traditional maids of honor/best man speech thing, table toasting, clinging and clanging of the chopsticks on the plate thing. There was a dance after dinner. Everybody on the dance floor! Jeff, Judy and Erik man, killing it on the dance floor. Crank Dat was on like repeat. There was this one funny dude. Kinda reminded me of Kevin James in this clip from Hitch
I guess the video doesn't work but I'll leave it there so it doesn't make this post look as boring as it is. Did I mention that it was hot?
hello. this post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). i will add in my blogroll =). if possible stop the spam it makes you hezza popular in the comments world
B grade??? Thats probably generous...thanks!
hello. this post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). i will add in my blogroll =). if possible
makes you hezza popular in the comments world
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