Wednesday, April 9, 2008

tocopheryl acetate

I missed American Idol today and on Tuesday. Good thing this week, the results show is on thursday, but I missed the Idol Gives Back show. I'll look it up on Youtube tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, too many shows on television. American Idol, Smallville, Lost, and the new season of The Office. Lost isn't new so I guess I can sacrifice that.
Now to describe how unlucky I am at raffles.
Last Saturday, I went to San Jose State for "Admitted Students Day" and the engineering department was raffling off a couple Ipods. I filled out like 6 tickets when everybody was allowed four. I didn't win anything.
Today at CSM, they were raffling out prizes and two scholarships. There were about twenty prizes raffled out out of like sixty people. I didn't win anything.
At least I've won one raffle in my lifetime. I was at my dad's boss's birthday and I was chosen to pick a ticket out of the basket thing and I pulled out my own ticket. I won a fruit basket. I would much rather win an Ipod. I deserve it.
Also, not a raffle but a question, what product has the ingredient that is the title?

1 comment:

Master Samuel said...

oh, you and your silly games to try to lure back readers
my guess is... funyuns