Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You're Welcome

Decided to go to Gilroy with Erik and Chris today before I went back to my dorm at San Jose. Got some cool stuff. Saw Clifton x Adrienne x Riley x Derek Wong. And yea, came back and looked at my calendar:Looks pretty busy. This is not including my Sci 2 class homework because that class is weird and didn't give me a syllabus with a schedule like my other classes. I hate it so much, I wish I found out about it sooner so I could have dropped it. But yea, its pretty late and my floor is still a little roudy for some reason today.
One thing I forgot to mention about things I miss from home a couple posts back is the internet connection. It is super slow here. I wish I was one of the Comcast turtles right now. That way, I would enjoy the painfully slow buffering time for videos. I am now restricted from using Limewire, Bittorrent, etc... and am now relying on blogs that upload music where I am only allowed to download one song at a time. But sometimes, early in the morning, I can download about 3 songs simultaneously and it would only take a mere 7 minutes for each song. Yup, but I can't do anything about it. I still use the internet connection and I still go barefoot in the shower. Just like home...
I came back to my dorm and a TV was there!
I came back to my dorm and my bed was messed up!


Chris said...

LOL, all in your bed

Master Samuel said...

barefoot? that's buh-nasty
but whatezz