Wednesday, February 27, 2008


WINNER is the new father, Clifton Jang with the answer of a three musketeer with no outside chocolate layer, yay, here is a thumbs up! Which leads to my next question...What is that green thing I am wearing over my gray t-shirt? Clue:Peeps that went to camp 07 last year... advantage, but to make it fair another clue:Let's go over yesterday's clue shall we?
It is a picture of a musketeer and there are three pictures of him - 3 Musketeers
Jknickerbockersdelaghetto is disqualified because the "clue" i gave him today in auto class was the answer and the fool answered three times already...


Master Samuel said...

shamu fleece.
done i win suckaz

Clifton Jang said...

you got green nipples under there? thats gross...