Sunday, November 25, 2007

I Eat It

For fellowship on Saturday, we went to my leader Jeff's apartment and played some PS3, PS2, and Wii. There was also a potluck. And so Master Samuel, Christopher and me go to the "Fitness Center/Game room" and pick up Monopoly to bring back to Jeff's apartment. Caroline, Judy, Sammy and me are the only ones that decide to play. We had no dice so we took two of each Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 from a deck of cards and we just pick from that pile to determine the number of steps we go. Everything goes smooth until Caroline and Judy team up and combine their money and property and the board looked something like this.It's not the original board, but it looks cooler on my futuristic monopoly board. So basically, everywhere there is a house/hotel is owned by Caroline and Judy. But me and Sammy were not totally dead. I had Boardwalk (yay yay) and Park Place and Sammy had the two useless purple ones. But we ran out of time so it was a tie.

Watching: Sunday Night Football
Listening: Doo Rags - Nas

1 comment:

Master Samuel said...

nerd status. 4reals
i honestly cannot believe you set up the monopoly board. get out of here freak

but still, it's pretty accurate. and those houses on the purples raised my rent 20 dollah!