Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Ninja Adventures

Me and Master Samuel forget the Golden Rope of Zeus (the chord to plug the piano into the outlet) to return to the emperors of greater China (choir directors) and we had to go through the Hidden Temple of Death (adult worship), but we had to kill all the guards (wait for the adults to pray) and dodge the pits of snakes and shooting arrows (run through the aisle before they finish praying). So we get to the top of the temple (second floor) and retrieve the rope. But as we were sneaking back down, we were being chased by a big rolling boulder (nothing), and some replacement guards came (adults finished praying) so we destroyed the boulder to go back up and we had to devise a new plan quick (went back upstairs and waited for them to pray again). And so we kill with no mercy (adults prayed again) and we escape unharmed. Too easy.
Everything is not challenging enough for a ninja, just ask this guy:

Watching: American Music Awards
Listening: Feelin' It - Jay Z

1 comment:

Master Samuel said...

AMAs were weak
bring back country beyonce