Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yes I Did

Hmmm... free ice cream at Haagen-Dazs today?! Here is the pack of seeds I got with my free scoop! Well, supposedly, honey bees are dying and so Haagen-Dazs bribed me with their delicious vanilla ice cream to plant these seeds and attract more honey bees to my yard. I'll try it I guess, in my neighbors yard, secretly. So join the hd (heart) hb campaign and help revive the bees.
I can't believe I ate Jimmy's pack of seeds. Tasted like dry tea, if that makes any sense. Plus a shout out to unibrow man at the Rosetta Stone booth.

Question of the day: What is stacked behind the pack of seeds on the left side?


jimmy said...


courtney said...

i got there at 7:30pm
& a sign on the poster said they ran out,
so i walked in & right back out with the employees just staring at us.


Chris said...

um........ newly designed starbucks cup sleeve?